Thursday, 13 August 2009


NAPTA is a registered and acclaimed Non Governmental Organisation which operates in Liberia in addition to other goes to support public and private sector PTAs basic educational development through training and updgrading of non Professional Teachers, PTAs leadership and School Managers.
NAPTA pursue carefully selected approaches to community sensitization and mobilization for collective participation in the delivery of Educational services to the Community.

Activities and Programs

NAPTA operates in the following areas of concern:
1- School Feeding Program: This program mobilize resources to provide food for Children in Liberian Schools.
2-Teaching Staff Recruitment: Identified and train Teachers for academic Schools in Liberia.
3-School Support Program: Mobilize Resources to renovate and equip Schools in Liberia.


For the effective implementation of her activities, NAPTA partner with the Ministry of Education on the steering coordination meetings.
We also network with the Pan African Center for Peace & Conflict Resolution(PAC)in recruiting and placing International Volunteers in local community Schools and Associations.

We currently have a membership of (143)one hundred and forty three Schools who occasionally benefit from our training packages.

Volunteering Opportunities

NAPTA is currently recruiting International Volunteers to serve for a minimum period of two(2) months or more.
We have the following vacancies but open also to any option as well:
1-Training Coordinator
2-Program Officer
3-Project Officer
4-Technical Assistant
5-Teachers(Elementary & Junior High)
All interested candidates can send their CV and letter of intent to:

Current Staff

NAPTA is currently managed by the following Volunteer Staff among others:
1-James L. Ballah - Founder/CEO
2-Togba Andre Kaijay-PTA Development Manager
3-James N. Ninwilley- Program Manager
4-Jeanetter Korkulo - National Director
5-George Jallah - Administrative Manager

Contact Us

For further information or enquiries for partnership proposals, kindly send your emails to:
Tel: +231 6962708
+231 6846428